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Xu Qinfa:Analysis on and Response to New Forms of Historical Nihilism from the Perspective of Historical Materialism
     Release time: 2022-09-12

Historical nihilism, through the theoretical nihility of one-sided, splicing, diagnostic and promotional interpretation, political nihility featured by occupying ideological front and defaming historical figures, and the value nihility of so-called new understanding of facts and discerning of the truth, appears on the scene with new shape of multi-type, multi-means and multi-level, which takes the separation of the historical relationship between the CPC and the people, between heroes and people as the intermediary, and the negating and dispelling of the scientific concept of history and correct values, and then the dispelling of the legitimacy and legality of ideology as the purpose, and intends to undermine the peoples value recognition of the CPC, socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese road and Chinas development. This is a new hot spot and new focus of ideological construction and even the struggle in the whole ideological field in the new era. In response to the new forms, directions and methods of historical nihilism in the new era, it is necessary to enhance the peoples ability to recognize historical nihilism from both theoretical and practical perspectives, to understand its wrong nature, and to criticize and disintegrate the basis for the various fallacies of historical nihilism, so as to consolidate ideological security.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan

From:Studies on Marxism.2022.No.4.

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