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Wang Chuanli:On Adhering to the Belief Based on the Law of the Development of Human Society
     Release time: 2022-05-27

Pursuing the truth and adhering to the belief are the spiritual characteristics that a Communist Party member should have. The founders of Marxism have injected the genes of pursuing and adhering to the belief into the Communists. The adherence of the Communists to the belief is based on their deep understanding of the truth of Marxism and deep grasp of the historical law. The precise predictions of the revolutionary mentors have strengthened the communist belief of the Communists. Whether at a low ebb of revolution or in face of personal adversity, countless Communists held fast to their belief. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the great struggle with new historical characteristics is still going on. The Communists pursuit of and adherence to the belief is a fundamental issue related to the spiritual strength and future destiny of Marxist political parties and socialist countries. As the risks and tests faced by the Party are becoming more and more complex, it is even more necessary to inspire the Communists to adhere to the communist belief.




Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan



From:Studies on Marxism.2022.No.2.

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