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Wang Yongchang:On the Philosophical Basis of the Era Value of the Great Founding Spirit of the Party
     Release time: 2022-05-18

The great founding spirit of the party is not only concerning the party building and forming spirit of the Communist Party of China, but also concerning the partys revitalizing and strengthening, which has both initial historical value and universal epochal significance that transcends time and space. This article focuses on analyzing the philosophical basis of the universal era value of the great founding spirit of the party, and holds that the great founding spirit of the party, which sticking to the truth and adhering to the ideal, practicing the original intention and taking on the mission, fearing no sacrifice and fighting bravely, as well as being loyal to the party and living up to the people, embodies the unified profound philosophy of the objective logic of truth, the peoples logic of value, the fighting logic of practice and the logic of subject for the partys own advanced nature, as a result of which it has inherent universal value.




Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan



From:Marxist Philosophy.2022.No.1.

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