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Zhu Jiamu:Deeply Understanding the Times Characteristics of the Third Historical Resolution of the Party
     Release time: 2022-05-20

In a certain sense, the times characteristics of the third historical resolution of the Party are the characteristics of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The objective condition for this resolution to stand higher and have a broader vision is that when it was formulated, the time span of the historical development was much longer and its activity space much broader than the previous two historical resolutions; the subjective condition is the existence of the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. This resolution puts the focus on summarizing the major achievements and historical experiences of the Partys century-long struggle, highlighting the main line and mainstream when narrating the historical process; while the problems that exist are more positively expressed in three broad types, including mainly summarizing achievements, opposing wrong views and words, and affirming correct practices. To clarify the times characteristics of the third historical resolution of the Party, in addition to analyzing the text of the resolution from the perspective of historical research, we should also think and understand it from a philosophical perspective and theoretical height.




Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan



From:Studies on Marxism.2022.No.1.

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