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Miao Dongsheng:Mao Zedong’s Exploration on Complexity after the Founding of New China
Source: TUDIES ON MARXISM (Monthly) 2014 No. 3      Release time: 2014-04-25

After the founding of New China, Mao Zedong made a qualitative leap on the understanding of social complexity and explored on the complexity of socialist politics, economy and society. Socialist construction needs an analysis of contradictions in every party of the complex social system. In socialist economic construction, we should adjust the relationship and layout and mobilize all positive factors. To establish a perfect system of socialist democracy, we should solve and prevent the problem of bureaucratization and corruption within the Party and among government cadres, establish a set of perfect state institutions, and supervise the Party and government offices timely and systematically by the people in an institutionalized manner. It is inevitable that the socialist construction in China will go through a tortuous and nonlinear road of development, which means that the Chinese people will have to understand and control it with a nonlinear way of thinking.


Editor: zhang Jiangang

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