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Huang Zaisheng:LLMs-Enabled Production and Explanation of Marx’s Labor Theory of Value Adapted to the Times
     Release time: 2024-06-20
  Abstract: Together with the accelerated iteration and routine application of general artificial intelligence, digital capitalism has entered into LLMs era. Under LLMs-enabled production, the agency of digital machines have been increasingly strengthened, which intuitively erodes the irreplaceability of human and leads to the complex change in the relationship between human and machine in digital capitalism. Judging by appearance, the subjectification of digital machines and the quit of human labor from the site have given rise to the phenomenon of digital production featured by “post-work”, “zero labor” and “full automation”. Naturally, such arguments that Marx’s labor theory of value has been outdated or invalidated reappear. In view of the above, to hold up the integrity and push forward the innovation of Marx’s labor theory of value in LLMs era, it is urgent to recognize the reality, scientifically understand the essence of digital machines, acutely grasp the changes in the formation of digital labor, deeply analyze the Internal tension and future situation of the value movement of digital capitalism, and try to push forward the explanation of Marx’s labor theory of value further and solidly adapted to the times.
  From:STUDIES ON MARXISM, No. 12, December  2023
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