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Ding Baojun:Dialectic Used in Capital to Analyze the Capitalist Mode of Production
     Release time: 2024-06-20
  Abstract: In Marx’s preface and postscript to Capital and its manuscripts, wherever Marx describes the object of study of political economy, he also describes how to recognize and reflect this object of study, that is, he describes the method of political economy. In turn, wherever Marx elaborates on the method of political economy, he must also incorporate the object of study of political economy, and talk about the method of political economy in terms of recognizing and reflecting the particular object of study of political economy. Marx’s materialistic dialectics is the scientific method practically applied to the analysis of the capitalist mode of production in Capital . It has the general form of the movement of things revealed by the Hegelian dialectic, and even more the form of the materialist epistemology and view of history, which is based on historical processes and historical facts. However, Marx did not seek to establish his own system of dialectics outside of Capital , because he insisted that philosophy as philosophy had lost its place in the face of positive science such as Capital , and that it could only be replaced by the general methods and principles of materialistic dialectics. The construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the realization of Chinese-style modernization must explore new forms of social realization of dialectics in the construction of the mode of production. Any simplification or mystification of dialectics is not conducive to understanding the ideological and theoretical content as well as the methodology of Capital and will mislead the socialist revolution and construction.
  From:STUDIES ON MARXISM, No. 11, November 2023
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