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Li Guoquan:Xi Jinping’s Contribution to the Understanding of the Important Discourse on Upholding and Developing Marxism
     Release time: 2024-06-20
  Abstract: Pursuing truth in the spirit of truth is the methodological premise for treating Marxism, and an important thinking foundation for studying and practicing Marxism in the new era. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping has inherited the CPC’s scientific system of understanding about Marxism, while at the same time, based on the characteristics of the new era and practical issues, he has made a series of important expositions centering on the basic questions of what kind of Marxism to adhere to and develop in the new era and how to adhere to and develop it, making important and original contributions to the development of Marxism. These contributions, in terms of their core content, are mainly manifested in the new views and judgments in seven aspects, including the theory of scientific connotation, the theory of ideological greatness, the theory of guiding status, the theory of faith coordinates, the theory of upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, the theory of theoretical armament, and the theory of academic self-consciousness. Xi Jinping’s important expositions on adherence to and development of Marxism is rich in the characteristics of the times, profoundly manifests the explanatory and critical power of ideology and theory over real life, and reflects the profound thinking of the Chinese communists in the new era on the contemporary significance and development law of Marxism.
  From:STUDIES ON MARXISM, No. 10, October 2023
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