Wen Quan: Three Eastern Issues in Marx’s Critique of Capitalism
Release time: 2024-09-03
Reviewing and predicting the historical development of the East constitutes an import ant perspective of Marx’s critique of capitalism. Taking Russia, India and China as examples, Marx tried to answer three basic questions: why the ancient Oriental societies did not take the lead in nurturing capitalist civilization; why the modern Oriental crises could shake the global capitalist order; and why the modern Oriental countries could avoid repeating the mistakes of capitalism. They are related to Marx’s Eastern clues in deciphering the historical code of capitalism, and respectively correspond to the triple negative feedback of the Eastern world to capitalism: the dual containment of commercial capital and employment relations by the patriarchal land system and the hierarchical interaction system; the direct destruction or indirect backlash of the Eastern social and political crises against the Western capitalist economic system and institutional model; and the “colonial ruins” and “commune ruins” of the Eastern countries contain a shortcut to communism.By portraying the capitalist “impression of the East”, Marx not only enriched the regional material for understanding the history of capitalist development, but also unearthed the wide-area evidence for foreseeing the realization of communism, highlighting the global significance of the proletarian revolutions in the East.
Editor: Zhong Yao Deng Panyi
From:Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2024.No.4.