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Li Jiao:A Three Dimensional Dialectical Analysis of the Party’s Self Revolutionary Theory from the Perspective of the Great Historical View
     Release time: 2024-05-09
  The CPC’s courage in self revolution is a remarkable symbol that distinguishes it from other political parties. It is rooted in the original intention and mission of the party and has gradually developed into the core issue of the current party’s theoretical system. The self revolution of the Party is generated in history, inherited in development, and magnified in practice. Therefore, to grasp this innovative theory accurately, it is necessary to analyze it in conjunction with the Party’s historical summary of its century long struggle history, and understand its three characteristics that have evolved with China's specific practice: endogeneity, long-term effectiveness, and systematicity. Grasping these three points from the perspective of the grand historical perspective not only helps to clarify the challenges faced by the theory of self revolution in ideological debates, but also helps us to understand the core essence of the Party’s self revolution theory as a whole.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  Wei Xiaoxue
  From:Social Science Journal.2024.No.2.
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