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Han Changyue: Study of the Relationship Between Social Development and Human Development:From the Perspective of the Basic Principles of Historical Materialism
     Release time: 2024-05-09
  The principle of the relationship between social development and human development is an important part of the basic principle of historical materialism. From the perspective of human development,historical materialism divides human history into three stages: human dependence, material dependence and free personality, which form the dialectical relationship principle of the unity of opposites between social development and human development. According to this principle, historical materialism criticizes the overall alienation of human development in capitalist society and establishes the goal of free and comprehensive human development in communist society in the future, which presents a logical whole of historical materialism on the relationship between social development and human development, The application of historical materialism on the relationship between social development and human development principle, which combined with the actual social development of contemporary China and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, to analyze and discuss the trend of human free and comprehensive development in the practice of Chinese modernization will help to promote the development of the basic principles of historical materialism in China and the Times.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  Liu Tingting
  From: Studies on Marxist Theory.2024.No.10.
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