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Lyu Jiayi: Critique on Green Capitalism: Eco-Socialism of Daniel Tanuro and Its Realistic Significance
     Release time: 2024-04-16

  Daniel Tanuro is an European agriculturist and scholar on Eco-Socialism,whose famous works include Green Capitalism: Why It Can’t Work? and A Red-Green Manifesto for the 21st Century.Tanuro focuses on the global warming problem,analyzes its catastrophic impacts,points out that the “Green Capitalism” can’t solve the the ecological problem since its productivism logic,but only to open up the new investment channel and promote the new capital accumulation. Tanuro argues that the source of covid-19 is the ecological crisis,which reflects the overall crisis of Capitalism. The combination of the economic crisis and the ecological crisis decides that the room of buffering contradictions for Capitalism becomes smaller and smaller. The only solution for Carbon emission reduction demands an anti-Capitalist scheme. Tanuro’s goal of Eco-Socialism is a systematic plan of Socialism,which reflects the interconnection among feminism,Anti-Neocolonialism,the civil rights movements and the ecological movement and which tries to make the ecological movement become the common part in various anti-Capitalist movements. To study Tanuro’s thoughts on Eco-Socialism critically is significant for us to learn about the western theories and movements of Eco-Socialism.

  Editor: Zhong Yao Deng Panyi

  From:Marxist Philosophy.2023.No.6.

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