In order to make up for the huge losses brought about by the retreat of old-style imperialism.Western capitalist countries have made their debut in the field of consumption with a more deceptive identity of digital imperialism. Relying on digital hegemony, digital imperialism creates a digital consumption base.breaks through the fixed time and space limitations of physical consumption, seizes the right to manipulate the time and space of the consumer group, and then controls the world’s economic pattern, threatens the political fields of other countries, and dissolves the class consciousness of the people. In this regard, China must give full play to the powerful advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics, optimizing the digital space.strengthening the ethical governance of digital technology, and rallying class power to break out of the “consumption trap” set by digital imperialism.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Liu Tingting
From:Chinese Journal of Political Economics.2023.No.4