After the Opium War, patriots of high ideals tried every possible means to seek the road to national rejuvenation. The peasant uprisings, reform led by feudal landlord class, bourgeois reform and revolution rose one after the other, the constitutional monarchy, parliamentary system, and presidential system were devised to ensure national survival, but all of these ended in failure, turning out incapable to fulfill the historic task of realizing national independence and people’s liberation. Then in 1921 the Communist Party of China was born. Guided by its original aspiration and mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, it has worked with great endeavors over the past century and opened up a right path to national rejuvenation, driven by the Party’s internal motivation and guaranteed by external conditions. This path has been proven once again the only right one to national rejuvenation both by history and practice, as it has created a distinctively Chinese path to modernization, and hence is of great significance for the world as well.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Zheng Yifan
From:Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan'an.2022.No.3.