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Chen Jiagang、Wang Yao:Persistence in Pioneering and Innovation is the Valuable Experience of the CPC’s Century-old Endeavor
     Release time: 2022-11-17

Persistence in pioneering and innovation is the valuable experience of the CPC’s century-old struggle.In the course of a hundred years of arduous struggle, the Communist Party of China has continuously promoted theoretical innovation and achieved three great leaps in the sinicization of Marxism; promoted practical innovation and opened up a new path of Chinese-style modernization; promoted institutional innovation and formed a complete national system and governance system; promoted cultural innovation and enrich the achievements of socialist spiritual civilization construction. History and practice have fully proved that persistence in pioneering and innovation has always been a powerful weapon for exploring new paths and opening up new situations, and is a successful code to ensure that the cause of the party and the country moves from victory to new victory. The historical experience of persistence in pioneering and innovation is concentrated in the core essence of four aspects: insisting on the overall leadership of the Party and the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee is the political premise of persisting in pioneering and innovation; insisting on emancipating the mind and seek truth from facts is the ideological foundation for fostering innovation; insisting on the main role of the people is the endogenous driving force for stimulating innovation; insisting on correctly handling the relationship between independence and openness, comprehensiveness and focus is an important principle to ensure innovation. Based on this new historical starting point, and facing all kinds of predictable and unpredictable risks and challenges on our way forward, we must grasp the new historical features of the great Struggle, keep in line with changes in the principal contradiction facing our society, and focus on building a community with a shared future for mankind. In responding to the tests of our times, responding to the expectations of our people, comprehensively deepening reform, and promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, we will forge ahead with determination and innovation to provide strong momentum for the realization of the second Centenary Goal and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Based on a new historical starting point, in the face of various predictable and unpredictable risks and challenges on the road ahead, we must grasp the new historical characteristics of the great struggle, closely follow the changes in the main social contradiction, focus on the goal of building a modern and powerful country, and focus on a community of shared future for mankind. And we will forge ahead with determination and innovation to provide strong momentum for the realization of the second Centenary Goal and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation in responding to the tests of our times, responding to the expectations of our people, comprehensively deepening reform, and promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan

From:Social Sciences in Shenzhen.2022.No.5.

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