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Yang Yuanhao、Cheng Zhuru:On Developing Whole-Process People’s Democracy and People’s Livelihood Construction in the New Era
     Release time: 2022-11-17

In the new journey, the development of whole-process people’s democracy and the construction of people’s livelihood in the process of common prosperity constitute the two most basic and intertwined aspects of the “five-in-one” general layout. The major concept of whole-process people’s democracy contains a distinct value of people’s livelihood construction. The theoretical generalizations of “outcome democracy” and “substantial democracy” and the “most authentic” and “most effective” democratic evaluations are mainly based on people’s livelihood construction and achievements. The broad characteristics of the connotation of people’s livelihood construction in the new era and the historical logic and practical strategies stipulated by the socialist equality are highly compatible with the development of whole-process people’s democracy. The whole-process people’s democracy constitutes the political guarantee and effective way of people’s livelihood construction in the new era, which is mainly reflected in the connection between the two in terms of internal logics, values, institutional systems, development motivations and realization paths.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan

From:Journal of the Party School of the Central Committee of the C.P.C.(Chinese Academy of Governance).2022.No.4.

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