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Xi Ge:The “Three Social Formations”and“Four Modes of Production”Revisited:An Analysis Centered on Das Kapital and Its Original Manuscripts
     Release time: 2017-08-25



A re-investigation of the propositions on the “three social formations”and “four modes of production” is of great theoretical significance to re-thinking the “five social formations”,and consequently,to the contemporary development of historical materialism. It also has practical significance to scientifically understanding the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Our understanding shall not be confined within the “three social formations”as expressed in the 1857-1858 Economics Manuscript or within the exchange relations,but should take as out departure point the production relations in Das Kapital. In the meantimewe must avoid simplification of the “four modes of production”based on the chronical order in historical process but should grasp its complexity from the perspective of the law of history. The unity of the “three social formadons”and “four modes of production”is essentially the unity of universal law and diverse paths, the law of history and the action of the subject. Correct understanding of their unity and differences is of great theoretical and practical significance to promoting the contemporary development of historical materialism and deepening the scientific understanding of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.





Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies on Marxism.2017.No.4.



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