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Mei Rongzheng:China Dream and World Socialism
Source: Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications( Social Science Edition) Vol.26, No.1 ,Jan.2014      Release time: 2014-03-28


Xi Jinping has proposed China Dream as a guiding ideologywhich welds the strengths of 1.3 billion Chinese together and ignites the enthusiasms of Chinese nation The rise of China Dream is the product of Chinese nation struggling for imperialistsand pursuing a dream of China by Chinese people is a part of the world proletarian revolutionTo realize the China Dream must follow the socialist road with Chinese characteristicsSince the Opium War of 1840Chinese people had walked many ways for pursuing their dreamsuch as 1898 Reform1911 Revolutionand so onand they chose the bright road of socialism finallyHistory proves that only the socialist road is the right way to realize national renewalpowerful and rich countrypeople’s happinessFor its special geographic position and historical backgroundChina’s Dream has related to the fate of the whole worldAfter the end of American dream and European dreamChina Dreamcarrying Chinese people’s real hopewill persist in civilized and peaceful development roadand it will create a new type of human civilizationRealizing China Dream reflects the laws of social and historical developmentwhich will necessarily influences the development of world socialism




Editor: Zhou Miao




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