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Li Chongfu:On Adhering to and Improving the Present Basic Economic System of Our Country
Source: Journal of Beijing Union University( Humanities and Social Sciences). 2012.No.10.      Release time: 2014-02-27

We must adhere firmly to and improve the basic economic system of our country at the present stageThis is a matter closely related to the fate of socialism with Chinese characteristicsIt is also related to the longterm development of labor force in our countrythe gradual realization of common prosperity ,and the protection, preservation and development of our socialist economic foundation and the nature of Chinese social patternFrom the perspective of promoting the development of social labor forceit is objectively necessary for us to adhere to and improve the basic legal economic system in our country; from the perspective of adhering to the road of common prosperityit is of great importance for us to mainly maintain the public ownership of labor materials; from and perspective of protecting our social pattern of socialismit is also absolutely necessary to maintain the public ownership of labor materials as the main body of our economic system



Editor: Zhou Miao




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