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Chen Xueming:Marx’s Concept of Fairness and the Socialist Market Economy
Source: Studies on Marxism.2011.No.1.      Release time: 2014-01-05

Marx thought that the fairness observed by capitalist society was not “factual fairness” but “formalfairness”, that is to say, it only advocated “the same scale” to measure; and even the “formal fairness” couldnot be completely realized in a capitalist society. In fact, bourgeois “principle” sharply contradicted with its“practice”. According to Marx’s concept of fairness, we can know that the only way to eliminatepolarization between the rich and the poor is to effectively combine market economy as effective means toallocate resources with socialist values and goals: on the one hand to clear of various factors preventingformal fairness” from realizing, to solve the problem of “monopoly opportunity” of the power and theprivilege, and to reduce the objective basis of possessing other people’s labor by using productive means;on the other hand to create conditions for the transition from “formal fairness” to “factual fairness”, and toensure that our fairness shows not only “fairness in process” but also “fairness in starting point” and“fairness in result”.

Editor: Zhou Miao

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