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Li Shenming
     Release time: 2023-12-22

  Li Shenming, male, Han nationality, born in October 1949 in Wenxian, Henan Province. He holds an MA degree and is a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). His career life began in 1970, and joined the Communist Party of China in 1971. He started to serve as CASS Vice President since 1998, and Vice Party Secretary of CASS since 2000. From 2001 to 2008, he was the Party Secretary of CASS administrative organs. He was a delegate to the 16th and 17th CPC National Congresses, member of the Standing Committee of the 10th and 11th National People’s Congress, and member of the Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs of the National People’s Congress. He is the Head of the Group for International Research of the National Reviewing Committee of Philosophy and Social Sciences, and member of the Group for Political Sciences in the Sixth Discipline Reviewing Team of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. He serves as the President of the Chinese Association of Political Science, Vice President of the National Society for CPC Building Studies, Vice President of the China United Front Theory Research Association, Vice President of the Chinese Association of Scientific Socialism, Vice President of the Chinese Society for Personnel Research, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Ideological and Political Work, Advisor to the China Association for International Friendly Contact, and Advisor to the China Institute for International Strategic Studies.

  Recent articles:

  1. “The Metamorphosis of the Soviet Communist Party as the Fundamental Cause of the Collapse of the USSR,” Red Flag Manuscripts, June 2011.

  2. “The Urgent Task of Studying International Strategic Issues under the Ongoing Significant Changes to the World Pattern—Preface to China’s International Strategy in the Context of Globalization, World Economics and Politics, April 2011.  

  3. “Clarifying the Essential Connotation of Some Discourses in International Relations Theory and Establishing a Discourse System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,” Social Sciences Abroad, January 2011.  

  4. “Reflections on the Current Status and Trend of the International Financial Crisis and Our Countermeasures,” Studies on Marxism, June 2010.

  5. “The Scientific Meaning and Spiritual Substance of Putting People First”, Social Sciences in China, June 2007.

  Recent Books:

  1. Remaining Alert at the Time of Peace: Reflections on the Twenty Years since the Demise of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2011.

  2. China’s International Strategy in the Context of Globalization, People’s Publishing House, 2011.

  3. China’s Great Party Building in the Context of Globalization, People’s Publishing House, 2010.

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