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Cheng Enfu
Source: Academy of Marxism      Release time: 2013-07-04
  Professor Cheng Enfu, male and from the Han ethnic group, born in July 1950, is a native of Shanghai and a member of the Communist Party of China. He is a member of the Presidium of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Academic Divisions and director of the Academic Division of Marxist Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He graduated from the department of economics of Fudan University with a master. He is executive vice-director and professor of the Institute of Marxist Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and contemporaneously president of the World Association of Politics and Economics, executive vice-president of the China Foreign Economics Research Association, and executive vice-president of the Institute of Law of Chinese Economy. His academic expertise is in theoretical economics. In 1999, he was awarded the title of honorary professor of St. Petersburg University; since 2004, he has enjoyed a special allowance awarded by the State Council.
  Editor: Zhou Miao
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