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Hou Huiqin
     Release time: 2023-12-22
  Hou Huiqin is Director of the Research Center for National Cultural Security and Ideology Construction of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), former Party Secretary at the Academy of Marxism (CASS), chief expert of the “Project of Theoretical Research and Construction of Marxism” implemented by the CPC Central Committee, President of the Chinese Association of Historical Materialism, and member of the “Guidance and Consultation Committee for Teaching Courses of Ideological and Political Theory in Higher Education Institutions” under the Ministry of Education. He is also a Distinguished Chair Professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, where he serves as Director of the Academic Committee and supervisor of doctoral students at the School of Marxism, and a senior professor and Director of the Institute of Marxism in the New Era at Tianjin Normal University. He is the editor of the key textbook in philosophy entitled Reader for Classic Philosophical Works of Marx, Engels and Lenin as part of the “Project of Theoretical Research and Construction of Marxism,” and a mandatory course textbook entitled Chinese Marxism and Contemporary Times for doctoral students nationwide. He is the principal investigator of five major projects of the National Social Science Fund of China, i.e., “Research on the Socialist Core Value System That Leads the Diverse Social Trends” (2009), “Research on Contemporary Capitalism in Crisis” (2012), “Research on Strengthening the Leading Role, Managing Power and Right to Discourse of Marxist Ideology” (2015), “Socialist Modernization and the Self-Revolution of the Communist Party of China” (2018), and “Research on Xi Jinping Though on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the Marxism of Contemporary China and of the Twenty-First Century” (2022).
  His has published more than 10 books, including Selected Works of Hou Huiqin, Marx’s Ideological Critique and Contemporary China, The History and Present Situation of Marxist Philosophy, and Contemporary Interpretation of Marx’s Philosophical Transformation, and more than 200 articles in newspapers and journals such as People’s Daily, Qiushi, Guangming Daily, China Social Sciences, Historical Studies, Studies on Marxism, and Philosophical Studies. His research has produced a series of works with significant impact in the field of ideological studies. He has been awarded the special prize of the First National Award for Textbook Writing, the second and third prizes of Excellent Scientific Research Achievements of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for three times, and the first and second prizes of the Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences from the Jiangsu Provincial Government for three times. He started to receive the “Special Government Allowance from the State Council” for high-level professional and technical personnel since 1993.
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