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Yuan Xiuli:The Rich Connotation of Lenin’s New Proletarian Political Party Theory and Its Contemporary Value
     Release time: 2024-06-20
  Abstract: Lenin, with his theoretical development, organizational activities and practical creations, created a new period of a new type of proletarian political party in Russia. Lenin’s theory and practice of party building went through five historical periods: the period of proposing the formation of a socialist workers’ party at the initial stage of the revolution; the period of creating a new type of proletarian political party; the period of promoting the unification of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party; the period of establishment and consolidation of the party’s leadership after the victory of the October Revolution; and the period of strengthening and improving the party’s leadership and promoting the construction of the system after the implementation of the New Economic Policy. Lenin’s theory of the new proletarian political party is rich in content, scientific and systematic, and is still of great theoretical significance and practical value. Over the past one hundred years, the CPC has always taken the Marxist theory of proletarian political parties as its guide to create, develop and improve the Party’s leadership. In the new era, under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the CPC, as the largest Marxist ruling party in the world, has adhered to the comprehensive leadership of the Party, firmly embraced the “two establishments” and resolutely implemented the “two safeguards”, and has become more united.
  From:STUDIES ON MARXISM, No. 12, December  2023
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