The theory of the relations of production is an important component of historical materialism. Marx and Engels’s theoretical elaboration on the general law, fundamental structure and expressions of the relations of production have become a scientific guide for understanding the nature of social development. In the exploration and construction of socialist relations of production in China, the Communist Party of China has adhered to integrating Marx and Engels’s theory with the specific realities of the Chinese revolution, construction and reform.This has resulted in innovative achievements in the sinicization of Marx and Engels’ theory at different stages, thereby correctly understanding and addressing the fundamental questions of “what are socialist relations of production and how to build them?” At the new historical starting point, to fully and accurately grasp the basic meaning of Marx and Engels’s theory and the theoretical achievements in its sinicization, we must emphasize the liberation and development of productive forces, the improvement and development of socialist relations of production, and the further deepening of reform in all respects, which is undoubtedly of great theoretical value and practical significance for promoting the Chinese path to modernization through new productive forces, constructing new types of relations of production that correspond to these new productive forces, and enhancing the compatibility between relations of production and productive forces.
Editor: Zhong Yao Deng Panyi
From: World Socialism Studies. 2024.No.10.