The dialectical relationship between production and consumption is an important relationship in the development of human economy and society, which provides a theoretical foundation for us to comprehensively and systematically understand the basic connotation, main features, development logic, and practical orientation of new quality productivity forces. The leap in laborers, means of labor, objects of labor together with their optimization and combination is the result of the synergistic effects of production and consumption, and high-technology, high-performance and high-quality signify the impact of consumption on elevating production to higher standards. The proposal of new quality productivity forces aims to achieve the compatibility and benign interaction between production and consumption patterns in the New Era of China, so that scientific and technological innovation can give rise to emerging industries, new patterns, and new growth drivers to better meet consumption demand. In practice, we can take an overall consideration of developing new quality productivity forces and expanding emerging forms of consumption, and leveraging the latter to promote the former.
Editor: Zhong Yao Wei Xiaoxue
From:Studies on Marxist Theory.2024.No.6.