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Qiao Qian,Bai Baoli:The Generative ackground,Constituent Elements and Practical Path of New Quality Productive Forces
     Release time: 2024-07-29
  New quality productive forces is an important driving force for high-quality development, and represent the inheritance and development of Marx's theory of productive forces in the new era. Exploring the generative background, constituent elements and practical path of new quality productive forces based on the Marxist theory of productive forces is of great practical significance. The unity of continuity and innovation in productive forces has laid an important foundation for the formation and development of new quality productive forces in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The changes concerning new quality productive forces are mainly manifested in its constituent elements, i.e., the new characteristics of laborers, labor objects and labor materials, as well as the new trends of their joint development. To pursue the development of new quality productive forces, we must make multidimensional efforts, including technological innovation, digital transformation, green production and innovation in policies and institutions on the basis of actively addressing challenges in security, economy, technology and ideology.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  LiuTingting
  From: World Socialism Studies.2024.No.5.
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