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Xi Ge: A Theoretical Analysis of “Harnessing Capital” and Chinese Modernization
     Release time: 2024-07-10
  The Chinese path to modernization surpasses the capital-centered modernization of the West. This does not mean completely denying or abandoning capital,but rationally harnessing capital to serve socialist modernization. Correctly understanding and grasping the characteristics and behavioral laws of capital is the prerequisite for socialism to rationally harness capital. Capital in capitalist society is the pure form and representative development of the general nature and universal laws of capital, but capital in a socialist society is an expression of the characteristics and behavioral laws of capital determined by socialist relations of production. Chinese modernization adheres to and develops the basic tenets and methodologies of Marxism, and puts the scientific understanding of the general nature and universal laws of capital into the creative practice of controlling capital under socialism with Chinese characteristics. Harnessing capital is an important aspect of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and a significant practical route by which Chinese modernization can unify the general laws of modernization with Chinese characteristics.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  Deng Panyi
  From: Social Sciences in China.2023.No.12.
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