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Chen Peiyong: Deep Thinking on Marx and Engel’s Research on Civilization
     Release time: 2024-06-27
  Under the historical context of the globalization of capital logic, Marx and Engels explored the issues of civilization and barbarism. The usage of “civilization” and “barbarism” by Marx and Engels, although influenced by the popular discourse in Europe at that time, actually reshaped this discourse. “Civilized” countries are advanced in their modes of production and social forms, while not advanced and civilized in all aspects with their own hypocrisy and barbarism. “Barbarian” countries are not barbaric in all respects, in view of the fact that they are more moral and civilized than the so-called civilized countries in some respects. Capitalist civilization as a “modern civilization” has not reached “civilization” in the true sense of the word.  Human society should go beyond this form of civilization and move towards a new form of civilization. The new model for human progress is a form of civilization in which capital is of the people and for the people so as to realize the free and wellrounded development of the people. The formulation of a new model for human progress is inseparable from the solid foundation provided by technology materially, which is the reason why the development of productive forces and the innovation of science and technology must be emphasized. Furthermore, it is necessary to get rid of the self-centered view on civilization that regards a certain civilization as the surpassing, exclusive or even the only one civilization and foster a new thinking on civilization that respects interaction and mutual learning.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  Deng Panyi
  From: Studies on Marxist Theory.2024.No.2.
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