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Zhou Miao, Liu Tingting: The World Socialism in a Great Changes of International Political Economic Structure
     Release time: 2024-06-26
  The movement of the fundamental contradictions of capitalism is driving major changes in the global economic and political landscape. In the shifting international economic and political landscape, the manner and intensity of the contradictions and struggles among big powers have made world socialism face different challenges and opportunities, and show different modes of movement and struggles. Since the emergence of capital-ism, there have been several major changes in the international economic and political landscape. Faced with the challenges and opportunities brought a-bout by changes of the international landscape, world socialism has also shown different developments and changes, In the shifting international economic and political landscape,the development of world socialism has a pro-found internal logic. To examine and grasp the development laws of the world socialist movement, we must pay attention not only to the development trend of the international situation, but also to the manner and intensity of conflicts and struggles among major powers in the changing international economic and political landscape,as well as the challenges and opportunities brought about by them. Only in this way can we respond correctly and continue to grow.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  Liu Tingting
  From: Journal of Economics of Shanghai School.2024.No.1.
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