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Liu Honglin:Why Strict the Party Discipline Works: On Rudimentary Experiences and Basic Principles of the Party Administration in a New Age
     Release time: 2017-01-20




In face of challenges from “The Four-Way Test”, “Four Great Threats” and the advent of an information age, stringent rule of the Party confronts more complexities and bears a heavy-weighted mission. Strict the Party discipline could be attributed to three factors which allow no negligence. The concept and mode of the Party construction falls behind social development. The amplification effect of the Internet at an information age foregrounds problems concerning the Party construction. And the Party governance once mistakenly allowed too much tolerance, looseness and mildness. Since the18th CPC National Congress,strict the Party discipline has proved to be effective. The effectiveness chiefly lies in the top priority of strictness, real practice and solid work, dealing matters meticulously, clear target in practice, operating from top to bottom, cadres’ taking the lead, grasp of key factors, and strict administration of officials. The effectiveness also lies in practicing from outside to the inside, treating both symptoms and root causes, starting from a spot to dimensions, pushing ahead the principles by levels, setting strict and impartial rules, setting up a straightforward bottom line, building up institutions and rules,and fastening the punishment for corruption. Comprehensive rule of the Party by strictness in a new age calls for our adherence to the advancement of CPC as a criterion and zero tolerance of unfavorable political phenomena. Taking the Party rule by strictness as the core value, a scientific institution as safeguard,and a reasonable responsibility system as applicable means, we should promote the Party governance through the systematic modernization of the Partyadministration in the unity of discipline, self discipline, Parity administration, and state governance.







Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2016.No.7.



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