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Li Shenming:On the Contemporary World Still in the Plight of Financial Imperialism Times
     Release time: 2017-01-20


     Times and their themes are necessarily closely connected.With their ownspecific essence and scopes, the two shall not be mixed up.Times and their themes constitute the relation of deciding and being decided rather than parallel or even conflict. The times themes as a sub-system could never randomly replace the times as central system.The contemporary society is still stuck in financial imperialism times, which might likely last for a relatively long historical period.With the advent of financial imperialism times,there has also been major change in times theme.Deng Xiaoping and the CPC timely proposed the contemporary times theme as “peace and development ’,which hasn ’t been changed till now.Based on the premise of the consensus,we shall highlight the study on times issues,fully chant the times theme of “peace and development ”.Meanwhile, we shall heighten alertness to the westernization of western financial imperialism and war accretion under the particular context of financial imperialism. The next move shall be a closer strategic partnership with Russia, dialectically dealing with the situation, and consolidating confidence of socialist development.






Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2016.No.8.



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