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Yang Chengxun:On Practicing “Five Development Concepts” by Developing and Expanding the Advantages of State-Owned Enterprises
     Release time: 2016-05-18



     At the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping highlighted “Five Development Concepts” of innovation,coordination,environment-friendliness, openness, sharing.They centrally reflect the development strategy, direction and focus for the 13th five -year plan period and even longer. “Five Concepts” also collectively condense our development experiences of the last 30 years of the reform and opening-up, and suggest CPC’s new understanding of China’s law of development.To carry out “Five Concepts” and achieve in-depth reform calls for people’s painstaking efforts under the leadership of the Party, playing out the fundamental institutional advantages of socialist, and maximizing the dominant role of state-owned enterprises. As referring to this concern, we shall abandon the Neo-Liberalist view of denying state-owned enterprises, converge the consensus of the mass through localized Marxism, and drum up state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better, and larger during the 13th five-year plan period and even longer.Its logic is to follow social rules in terms of combining theories with practices, namely the integration of modern social productivity and the superior form of production relations within public ownership.






Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2016.No.1.



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