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  Volume 3 Number 1 March 2013




  National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme of India: Some Conceptual Problems

  Saumya Chakrabarti and Aparajita Mukherjee

  West Bengal's Rural Commercial Capital

  Barbara Harriss-White

  “Union Regimes”: Discipline and Punish in Three Indian Maritime Trade Unions

  Peidong Yang

  From “Needs” Based Development to “Desired” Development: Locating the Freudian Idea in the Social and Economic Development of Tribals following the New Economic Reforms in India

  Bhabani Shankar Nayak

  A Revolution in Human Modes of Thinking and Methods of Cognition: On the Significance of Using a “Comprehensive Integrated Laboratory” to Carry out Economic and Social Development Research and General Social Science Studies

  Wang Weiguang

  Information Technology: Gateway to Direct Democracy in China and the World

  Paul Cockshott and Karen Renaud

  Neoclassical Economic Fiction and Neoliberal Political Reality—Criticism of the “Single Thought” in Political Economics

  Remy Hererra

  Critical Security in the Twenty-First Century: The Resonating Voices of Thucydides

  James Rochlin

  Book Reviews

  Review of the Contradictions of Real Socialism: The Conductor and the Conducted by Michael A. Lebowitz

  Christopher Adair-Toteff

  A Panoramic Spectrum of Contemporary Western Academic Thought––A Review of Perry Anderson’s Spectrum: From Right to Left in the World of Ideas

  Yuan Yinchuan and Kang Dan

  Review of Austrian and German Economic Thought: From Subjectivism to Social Evolution by Kiichiro Yagi

  Cui Yun

  Information and Trends

  On the First Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street Movement: Gains, Losses and Perspectives

  Zhang Xinning