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  Volume 2 Number 3 September 2012




  Extending Occupy Wall Street’s message and critique

  William K. Tabb

  State condition, foreign influence and alternative models of market reforms in China, Russia and Eastern Europe

  Kazimierz Z. Poznanski

  Economic change in Cuba: The (re-)making of a socialist development strategy

  Antonio Carmona Báez

  Problems and perspectives of contemporary European radical left parties: Chasing a lost world or still a world to win?

  Luke March

  Capitalism’s social graveyard

  Muhammed Asadi

  Iconic architecture in globalizing cities

  Leslie Sklair

  Marx’s method and the global crisis

  Bill Dunn

  Heterodox economics and the crises of capitalism: Rethinking pedagogy in higher education

  Chiara Piovani and Hande Togrul

  A critique of Marx’s two basic laws: The general law of capitalist accumulation & the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall

  Kauda Toshihide

  Information and Trends

  The global financial crisis in the eyes of Japanese Marxist economists

  Masao Watanabe and Tan Xiaojun

  On the schools of contemporary Russian Marxism

  Chen Hong

  The Political Studies Association Marxism Specialist Group

  Mark Cowling