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  Volume 2 Number 1 March 2012



  Symposium: The Transnational Working Class and Global Working Class Strategies

  Global Monopolies and the Transnational Capitalist Class

  Jerry Harris

  Crisis, the emerging new stage of capitalism, and the need of a transnational class strategy for social emancipation

  George Liodakis

  The condition of the working class in the age of globalization

  William A. Pelz

  The Rhizomatic left, neoliberal capitalism and class: Theoretical interventions on contemporary social movements in the global north

  Peter N. Funke

  The issue of communism: A blind alley or a new dawn?

  Ladislav Hohoš


  The scientific-philosophical foundations of twenty-first century socialism

  Heinz Dieterich and Raimunto Franco

  A class approach to ecological crisis

  Marc Brodine

  Withdrawal from growth: The environmental challenge for twenty-first century socialism

  Luis J. Alvarez Lozano

  The evolution of service economics as part of the theory of contemporary capitalism

  Takuya Sato

  The end of intellectual property: Challenges beyond the ‘China Model’

  Feng Xiang


  Lenin and Leninism today: An interview with Immanuel Wallerstein

  Immanuel Wallerstein and Gao Jingyu

  Information and Trends

  Spaces of capital, moments of struggle: A review of the eighth annual historical materialism conference

  Feng Yanli and Liu Zixu

  Report on Prague conference on global capitalism

  Leslie Sklair and Jill Timms