

来源:马克思主义研究网 发布时间:2011-07-22
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中国模式的概念:批判性讨论(The idea of a Chinese Model': a critical discussion         [] 阿里夫•德里克(Arif Dirlik)           

中国能否成为21世纪社会主义的转轨模式?(Can China be the Transition Model to 21st Century Socialism?  []海因茨•迪特里奇(Heinz Dieterich

评论‘中国模式’(Comments on the China Model’)         []保罗•考克绍特(Paul Cockshott

意识形态聚焦当代中国:举什么旗走什么路——从福山的“历史终结论”说起(Ideological choices in contemporary China: With a discussion of Francis Fukuyama's declaration of the end of history)          候惠勤

苏共的蜕化变质是苏联解体的根本原因(The degeneration of the Soviet Communist Party as the fundamental cause of the disintegration of the Soviet Union) 李慎明

马克思的激进人本主义(Marx's radical humanism)    []凯文•布莱恩(Kevin Brien

新平民共产主义者:21世纪的蒲鲁东者(The new communists of the commons: Twenty-first-century Proudhonists)         []罗迪卡•德赛(Radhika Desai          

伦理学与当代西方社会的公共空间(Ethics and Public Space in Contemporary Western Societies      [希腊]基里亚基•策卡拉(Kyriaki Tsoukala        

欧洲是否发展为社会主义?——基于2025年的个人评论(Does Europe Develop towards Socialism? A personal comment from the year 2025         [奥地利]彼得•弗雷斯纳(Peter Fleissner

中国崛起:马克斯或斯密的一种解?(The rise of China: Marx's solution or Adam Smith's? On China's rise in Adam Smith in Beijing by Giovanni Arrighi) 吴苑华

评《亚当•斯密在北京: 21世纪的血脉》(Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the twenty-first century)     [] 托尼•安德烈阿尼(Tony Andreani          

《世界政治经济学》杂志介绍( World Review of Politcal Economy)        王中保

日本环境社会主义协会介绍(Research Society of Ecological Socialism in Japan)         []佐佐木力(Chicara Sasaki