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Class Fighters Gather Across the US to Launch the Revolutionary Communists of America
     Release time: 2024-04-16

  On February 25, hundreds of comrades gathered nationwide to discuss the founding of the?Revolutionary Communists of America?(RCA)—a new political party for the new generation of?class fighters eager to get active and organized?in the belly of the beast. The meeting ushered in a new chapter for American communism. In the coming years, communism has the potential to become a mass political force for the first time in generations.

  Over 120 comrades from New York City, Philadelphia, New Haven, and Boston gathered for the in-person rally in Brooklyn, while hundreds more across the country—from Minneapolis to Dallas, Atlanta to Phoenix, San Diego to Seattle, and beyond—tuned in from local watch parties organized for the live-streamed event. The meeting was packed with announcements and discussion on all angles of what it will mean to be founding members of the RCA.

  Antonio Balmer opened the discussion, explaining that American capitalism has been in decline for over 50 years. A tipping point in this process has been reached in the recent period, giving rise to profound discontent in all layers of society. This is preparing the way for an explosion of class struggle in the US and internationally.

  The launch of the RCA represents a major shift for the US Marxists. After more than a quarter century of painstaking preparatory work, we are now in an era which requires a more active, fighting organization. To elaborate more on this theme, Laura Brown spoke more about what it will mean to build a fighting revolutionary party. Recent initiatives from the US communists such as the rally to?shut down the reactionary “TPUSA”?at ASU in Phoenix, or the communist-led Palestine solidarity rally that comrades organized in Irvine, California offer a glimpse of the kinds of initiatives communists will need to take in the coming weeks, months, and years.

  Between now and the founding Congress of the RCA, which will take place this summer, there is an enormous amount of work to be done. All those present agreed that it is not enough to simply declare our intent to form a new party. It must be backed by continuous effort to transform and refound our organization at all levels. But all comrades present expressed that they are up to the challenge. We will give our all to bury capitalism in the coming decades. We have a world to win, and nothing to lose but our chains!

  Editor: Zhong Yao Deng Panyi


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