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Will: From Argentina to Germany: Against the Shift to the Right and Anti-Feminism!
     Release time: 2024-04-11
  The women’s movement has already had some successes in Germany, such as the recent removal of the ban on advertising abortions. However, she must not rest on her laurels, especially since Paragraph 218 of the Criminal Code remains in place and abortions are still not allowed without restrictions.
  Moreover, a look at the international situation shows that all the hard-won successes under capitalism necessarily remain precarious. In the course of the strengthening of militarism, we see an increasing shift to the right worldwide. What is needed against this are mobilizations on the streets and mass strikes by the trade unions. Argentina is leading the way.
  Argentina: General Strike Prevented Reactionary Laws
  There, the government of extreme right-wing President Javier Milei has not only declared war on the feminist movement with the so-called omnibus law. In particular, the rights of workers, indigenous people and even the middle class are attacked by this legislative package. This makes it all the more important to connect the different struggles.
  Thanks to a general strike and massive street protests, the omnibus law in Argentina could be stopped, at least temporarily. At the same time, some members of the left-wing bourgeois, Peronist opposition wanted to enter into negotiations in exchange for some concessions to give their consent to the omnibus law. Unlike the deputies of the Front of Workers and the Left (FIT-U). The revolutionary parliamentarians braved the pepper spray of the police in the streets and then denounced police violence in front of the Congress. In the end, the general strike, mass protests and public opinion prove too strong.
  Despite the opposition, Milei’s government immediately threatened another push, this time against the right to abortion, introduced in 2020 after a long struggle by the feminist movement – and still not fully implemented in all Argentine provinces. Against this, the movement on the street must respond with even more resistance.
  The AfD also wants to curtail women’s rights
  Especially in view of the 8th of March, the feminist day of struggle, we must also bear in mind here in Germany that the rights that the workers’ movement and the social movements have fought for are repeatedly under attack from the side of the bourgeois state, and not only by the AfD, which wants to re-establish reactionary images of the family and campaigns for an even more restrictive abortion law. These rights can be taken away from us if we do not fight back. And we can only defend ourselves if we do not allow ourselves to be divided and fight together – against Paragraph 218 and all forms of violence against women, as well as a shift to the right and militarism, and for equal work for equal pay, the socialization of housework and free access to abortion.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  Liu Tingting
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