The GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, attended the mass, nationwide rally of the farmers in Syntagma square and stated the following: “We welcome the Greek farmers here, in the heart of Athens, in the heart of Greece. Their struggle is just, their demands are just. We stand by their side. The whole of Athens, the whole of Greece stands by their side. Mr Mitsotakis’ government must stop the mockery. It must satisfy the farmers’ demands. The government, which generously funds a few big business groups, cannot play the card of the ‘resilience of the economy’ and suddenly remember about budgetary goals now that it’s time to give money to the farmers and provide them with compensation, now that it’s time to give money to the people. The farmers demand tax-free fuel, that electricity should cost 7 cents per kilowatt hour; full compensation from the Greek Agricultural Insurance Organization (ELGA); infrastructure in agricultural production; cheap production costs. While traders and industrialists buy agricultural supplies and mean sat extremely low prices, they sell them to farmers at exorbitant prices.Thus, the farmers demand minimum guaranteed prices. The government must stop the rebranding of foreign products as Greek products and take measures to relieve the Greek farmers, so that supermarket shelves are filled with quality and cheap products and that the people do not pay the price.”
Editor: Zhong Yao Liu Tingting
From: http://www.idcommunism.com/2024/02/mass-farmers-rally-held-outside-greek-parliament.html#more(2024-2-21)