The mass line of the Party was officially established as the fundamental line of the Party during the period of the New Democratic Revolution. It further developed during the socialist revolution and construction period, but went through twists and turns. In the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction, it achieved comprehensive development and achieved historic comprehensive innovation in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. For over a hundred years, the Party has accumulated valuable experience in implementing the mass line, such as adhering to the Marxist concept of the people as the theoretical basis for implementing the mass line, adhering to the laws of social and economic development as the basic premise for implementing the mass line, adhering to the fundamental purpose of serving the people as the value orientation for implementing the mass line, and adhering to the important role of social organizations as a link in implementing the mass line. In addition, the history and experience of the Party's implementation of the mass line also reveal practical inspirations such as taking the internal education of the mass line as the entry point for implementing the mass line in the new era, taking the construction of the online mass line as the breakthrough point for implementing the mass line in the new era, taking the construction of a harmonious relationship between the Party and the masses as the focus of implementing the mass line in the new era, taking the construction of Party conduct and people’s livelihood as the key points for implementing the mass line in the new era, and taking the improvement of the system of mass work as the support point for implementing the mass line in the new era.
Editor: Zhong Yao Wei Xiaoxue
From:Social Scientist.2024.No.6.