Marx, facing the historical picture of modernization, through the transformation and combination of alienation logic, production logic, and capital logic, portrays modernization as a triple aspect of human liberation, world history, and modern society. In Marx’s view, modernization is first and foremost a historical stage that promotes the free and comprehensive development of human beings. Secondly, modernization is also a world historical process initiated by capital, which has promoted the civilization and globalization of production and lifestyle. Finally, modernization is the stage of the formation of modern society in which the values of modernity are universally established and productivity develops rapidly. On this basis, Marx predicted the emergence of new modernization models from the research paradigms of historical materialism and political economy, and that the capitalist modernization model would inevitably perish due to irreconcilable internal contradictions.Modernization would ultimately provide necessary historical preparations for the future society.
Editor: Zhong Yao Liu Tingting
From: Scientific Socialism.2024.No.4.