The western developed capitalist countries took the lead in promoting the development of the Industrial Revolution and have possessed advanced science and technology and related knowledge. Among them, the excellent achievements of civilization are worth learning, digesting and absorbing, while the “Western-centric” bias exists in the history of science. China is one of the cradles of human science and culture, as the Chinese nation has made great contributions to the scientific development of mankind. The Chinese people have a scientific spirit and made numerous scientific and technological achievements in ancient times. There exist more paradigm differences than a monopoly on absolute truth between modern Western science and traditional Chinese science. In this regard, we should continue to enhance our cultural self-confidence, oppose Western centrism and historical nihilism in the history of science, and accelerate the construction of an independent knowledge system for the science history of China.
Editor: Zhong Yao Deng Panyi
From: Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2024.No.7.