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Wang Miao ,Xiang Dongu :A Political Economy Analysis of the Global Expansion of Digital Capital
     Release time: 2024-04-07
  In the era of digital economy, a political economy analysis of the global expansion of digital capital is a very important topic and theoretical issue. Digital technology, the logic of capital and neoliberalism constitute the internal logic of the global expansion of digital capital. The expansion of capital breaks the limitations of time and space and extends into the digital space; large digital platforms, digital giants and international alliances of digital monopoly have been formed; the global expansion of digital capital has shown prominent characteristics of monopoly and hegemony. Although the global development of digital capital has a positive side, more attention should be paid to the negative impact of its global expansion. With the formation of a digital empire, problems such as digital colonial expansion, digital divide, digital governance deficit and digital labor exploitation are becoming increasingly visible. Under these circumstances, developing countries and emerging market economies, including China, should grasp the operation rules of digital capital, prevent its disorderly expansion, and actively improve the global system of digital governance so as to better promote digital civilization for the benefit of people in all countries.

  Editor: Zhong Yao  Liu Tingting

  From: World Socialism Studies.2023.No.12.

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