The Fourth Transformation and the Trajectory of Neoliberalism in Mexico
Release time: 2024-03-20
Richard W. Coughlin
The 2018 electoral victories of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (hereafter, AMLO) and his political party, Morena, may represent a significant inflection point in the development of neoliberalism in Mexico. The trajectory of neoliberalism has unfolded in terms of what Nils Gilman refers to as the “twin insurgency”—a plutocratic insurgency that, since the 1970s, has been restructuring capitalism on a transnational basis and a criminal insurgency that has flourished within the denationalized social spaces of neoliberalism. López Obrador’s national project, termed “the Fourth Transformation,” is an effort to anchor processes of capital expansion in Mexico within a restoration of political community centered on AMLO’s policy agenda and political rhetoric. In a broader context, it is also a process of state transformation historically shaped by the twin insurgency and characterized by the emergence of new hybrid modes of organized violence.
From: Latin American Perspectives 2023 50 (2)
Editor: Wang Yi