Zhu Guowei: On the Historicity Consciousness of Marxist Party
Release time: 2024-01-09
“Historicity Consciousness” is an inherent stipulation of the theoretical principles followed by Marxist party. As an active requirement, the historicity consciousness is practical in nature. It requires Marxist party to confirm the dual identity consciousness of world-historicity and nation-historicity and take the initiative to play a historical role in leading the historical creation. At the same time, under the specific conditions of the times, the leadership responsibility of Marxist party is realized through the historical tool of political power. It puts forward the requirement of governing consciousness and times consciousness. However, in the dialectical historical practice, Marxist party as the component and the constructor of history, only by establishing the subjectivity consciousness of continuous self-revolution. can it lead and create history beyond its own limitations
Editor: Zhong Yao、Liu Tingting
From:Studies on Marxist Theory.2023.No.9.