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Li Ming: Being Alert to Dangers Even in Times of Calm and Strengthening Confidence to Usher in a New Spring of the World Socialism in the 21st Century (Part 1)
     Release time: 2024-01-09
  The world today is still in the historical era pointed out by Marxism, and at the same time it is in the era of what Lenin called imperialism; Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is Marxism in the period of  imperialism transition from monopoly and parasitism to its dying stage, including  Marxism in the dying stage of imperialism. At present, the increasingly serious polarization between the rich and the poor and social divisions around the world, the continuous local wars and the outbreak of multiple crises prove that the fifth global total crisis of capitalism has arrived. At a time when the crisis of capitalism is deepening, the imperialist countries led by the United States will inevitably adopt more severe and barbaric means to suppress its people at home, militarize its national economy, try to transfer contradictions by various soft and hard means to the world, especially to some other major powers. The more serious the oppression and exploitation is, the more fierce the resistance and struggle of the people in all countries will be. Under such circumstances, we need to clearly understand the essence of US imperialism, resolutely abandon all unrealistic illusions, dare to struggle, be good at struggle and strengthen our confidence so as to usher in a new spring of the world socialism in the 21st century.
  Editor: Zhong Yao、Huang He
  From: World Socialism Studies. 2023. No.8.
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