As global capitalism enters a new stage of development in the 21st century, the capital movement of developed capitalist countries presents some new characteristics. From the perspective of capital form, the vigorous development of the digital economy has produced a new capital form, namely, digital capital, and digital capital is expected to become the dominant capital form in the stage of digital capitalism. Under the background of deepening ecological crisis, natural capital has been vigorously advocated. Financial capital quickly recovered after the financial crisis and was closely integrated with digital capital and natural capital. From the perspective of the surplus extraction mechanism, capital is increasingly separated from the creation of value and surplus value and transformed into rentier capital, profiting through interest, rent, and other means. Finally, with the advance of digital technology and the in-depth development of financialization, the logic of capital is in full swing, dominating everything from everyday life to ideology. The new changes in the capital movement in developed capitalist countries can give us the following inspirations: we should correctly understand the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of capital, we should give play to the regulatory role of the market and government, we should give play to the leading role of social value norms, and we should realize that only the socialist market economy can successfully control capital.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Deng Panyi
From: Social Sciences International. 2023.No.2.