Although Marx did not directly use the term ideology in the German-French Yearbooks, he established a critical principle of tracing the source from the copy to the original. In this way, he explored the fundamental issues of ideology, such as generation and transformation. Marx clarified the philosophical principle that superstition should be explained and revealed by history, announced the generative logic that an inverted world produced an inverted consciousness of the world, exposed the dominant essence of political emancipation that it neither abolishes the real religiousness of man nor strives to do so, and explained the transformation law of ideology that the theory grasping the masses will also become material power. Such work prepared the core issues and theoretical beginning for the official appearance of Marx’s concept of ideology, instigating a philosophical revolution leading to a genuinely radical and critical worldview.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Zheng Yifan
From:Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.2023.No.2.