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Xu Jiankang:The Historical Position of Socialist Market Economy in the Primary Stage
     Release time: 2023-06-09

Based on Historical Materialism, Marxs theory of scientific socialism reveals general principles of human society. For the purpose to fundamentally solve the basic contradiction of capitalist formation, the development of new society in the future will experience three ages which are the dictatorship of the proletariat, the first stage of communism and the advanced stage of communism. The society during the period of the dictatorship of the proletariat is not being as an infant, but undergoing long labor pains, which is parturition before giving birth.Starting from agricultural society, the market economy in the primary of socialism is not an independent one of social formation, but being in the position as the positive sublation of Marxs second social form. The Laws of contradictory movement in complexity for large scale system are the most major contribution of Mao Zedong for Marxist philosophy. We need deepen the studies of the relationships between the simple commodity circulation and capital circulation.



Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan



From:Chinese Journal of Political Economics.2023.No.1.

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